Tuesday 17 July 2018

Blessings of the Rains

We had wonderful good rains blessing the garden.

Bringing blessings of full flowering plants.

Some seeds are still cautiously caged, waiting.

Others are unfolding and uncurling.

Leaves opening up to receive the rain.

Rain blessings poor green into the garden. 

Roots are swelling.

Juices are getting ready to fill all and even the tiniest veins.

Old crusted surfaces are getting ready to burst.

The garden is open to receive.

There is nothing else to do, other than opening and unfolding.

The garden does not plan.

The garden receives, to unfold and grow.

Friday 15 June 2018

Winter Storm

Winter has arrived with good rain and strong winds. The garden looks washed and cleansed.

The winter storm blows everything clean and brings out the underlying form.

The edges are feathery.

But underneath the core becomes visible.

Under the twisting and turning lies the eternal movement of a spiral.

The seasons spiral through time; year after year.

Creating ever changing patterns

Patterns with various degrees of fluidity.

And what looks chaotic and undulating brings forth buds with a promise of the beauty to come.

Fruits are carrying the seeds for a new circle.

And some flowers are dancing a prophetic dance with the wind.

A lonely bee holds on tight for the storm to soften

Mushrooms are coming up. Now is their time to flourish.

In this spiral of life everything has it's own time.

Monday 4 June 2018


After the good rain this morning was crisp and cold. Clarity is in the air.
Growth has the archetypal form of stem and branches. 
Even in resting this form is a visible reminder how life will unfold.

Simplicity is an expression of calm.
The clarity of the winter sun invites contemplation.
Young leaves are unfolding for prayer.
Plants are worshiping the sun.
Flowers are celebrating the clarity of the light with joy.

And the water at the pond is dancing in the morning sun.
There are sparkles everywhere.
This morning Phakane is filled with light, clarity and joy. 

Sunday 29 April 2018

Watery Heart

We had the first heavy rain the night before my visit. Fat drops are still dripping from the roof to be collected for dryer times.

Wetness has left its special scents in the garden. It is life giving, in decay and growth at the same time.

In nature, what looks like dead is full of life and after a while it reveales itself with great vigor. 

New leaves are coming out for the magical process of growth from light, water and soil to begin.

Growth can take chaotic paths.

Somehow it finds nourishment in the chaos and moves to an expanding order.

All the plants are guided to reach out for the light. 

Without thinking, they rely on the mystery of life and they reach out to heaven.

Each one of them expanding, flowering and bearing fruit in a great cycle.

When the rain comes the dried seeds are ready to fall to the ground...... 

.....for new beginnings.

Autumn is the time of death and resurrection.

Proteas are flowering now in their full beauty, celebrating the arrival of the rain.

There are so many shades of green in the garden. Green is the color of the heart-chakra and feel so much its connection to the watery nature of the emotions of the second chakra.

In this observations I experience the mystery of the heart energy. This is the energy of just being and receiving nourishment.